UK Home Learning College (UKHLC) counts cheating, plagiarism, academic theft, no show, poor progress, non attendance, use of abusive language, physical abuse, threatening behaviour, anti social behaviour, false representation, false declaration and all acts of dishonesty or help in this act in any academic matter as academic misconduct.



  • To represent and claim another’s academic work as one’s own, is plagiarism
  • Copying someone’s whole work, phrases, sentences, sections, ideas, and  opinions
  • Copying someone’s examples, quotations, definitions, models or graphics etc without giving credit by citing the source or reference
  • Modifying someone’s main ideas or work and representing as one’s own
  • Obtaining materials from the internet, a person (free or on payment) or an agency involved in selling the materials and any other such source for such purposes is defined as plagiarism



ACADEMIC THEFT: When work is done by a group of students and someone is representing it as one’s own by a false declaration is an academic misconduct.



POOR PROGRESS: Where a student is involved in any form of harassment of other college student or employees, physical abuse or using of abusive language with other college students or employees is a serious academic misconduct.




PROCEDURES: Expulsion from the college / De-Registration